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Safety Alerts

Control of Work Activities

Number: 23-07 Dated: 17/07/2023

Breakaway Coupling becomes a Dropped Object

Bulk hose breakaway coupling on a members semi-submersible accommodation vessel became a “dropped object”

Number: 23-05 Dated: 10/04/2023

Unsafe Use of Floor Grating Systems

Alert to highlight the risk associated with incorrectly fitted and secured floor grating systems.

Number: 23-02 Dated: 13/02/2023

Vessel Blackout at Sea

Vessel blackout when preparing for routine checks

Number: 22-10 Dated: 22/06/2022

CO2 System Left Non-operational After Servicing

Lessons learned from a survey which left a vessels fixed CO2 system non-operational

Number: 22-05 Dated: 01/03/2022

Mooring Line Dragged Overboard During Port Approach

A combination of mooring practices and weather conditions led to a mooring line being dragged overboard on vessels approach to port with a risk of entanglement in propulsion units.

Number: 21-20 Dated: 10/12/2021

Foreign Object in Eye

Seafarer hospitalised to remove foreign object from eye after insufficient assessment of safety eyewear requirement

Number: 21-18 Dated: 11/11/2021

LTI – Fall from Height

Serious injury when a crew member fell through an unguarded/unprotected opening.

Number: 21-16 Dated: 28/10/2021

Defective Securing Arrangement

defective securing arrangement on a vessels dry bulk tank leads to pre-warning activation of the vessels fire alarm system.

Number: 21-15 Dated: 24/09/2021

Eye Injury Whilst Opening Paint Tin Lid

Serious eye injury sustained by vessel crew member whilst opening a paint tin lid

Number: 21-13 Dated: 12/08/2021

Hand Injury Sustained During Routine Checks

Crew member sustained hand injury during routine weekly checks.

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