Serious burn incident onboard a Platform Supply Vessel from a ruptured high temperature cooling system
Damage to vessel deck light during lifting of incorrectly slung tubulars.
Good practice reminder in relation to attaching Bulldog Grips onto wire.
A valuable lesson learned from an MSF member relating to maintenance of a safety critical system.
Serious eye injury sustained by vessel crew member whilst opening a paint tin lid
Good practice in relation to the use and storage of eye protection developed as a result of a minor incident on a members vessel.
The injured party was in the process of manufacturing a metal blank for a pipe on the vessels hot water system, the pipe was to be manufactured using a piece of 2mm metal plate. Part of the process
Whilst operating the forward utility hoist (Tugger), weight was taken to support a 1.5t basket to assist the crane in removing the basket from the drill floor. The winch wire was in tension and load 2” above the
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