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Safety Alerts

General Information

Number: 23-20 Dated: 23/11/2023

Chemical Handling – Eye Burn

Eye burn during chemical handling onboard a vessel

Number: 23-08 Dated: 24/07/2023


Good practice alert relating to safe handling and disposal of Sharps from vessels.

Number: IN 23.01 Dated: 29/03/2023

Port of Aberdeen – Digital Observation Cards

QR code for registering any Safety, Health, Environmental or Quality observations related to the Port of Aberdeen.

Number: 23-03 Dated: 20/02/2023

Disposable Vape Self-Ignition

Lessons learned from an incident related to a disposable Vape

Number: 22-15 Dated: 07/12/2022

Medical Emergency – Choking Incident

Choking incident on a members vessel prompted life saving actions by crew

Number: 21-09 Dated: 05/05/2022

CO2 Firefighting Systems

A valuable lesson learned from an MSF member relating to maintenance of a safety critical system.

Number: 21-12 Dated: 02/07/2021

Suspension Trauma

Shared learnings on a planned drill which resulted in suspension trauma.

Number: 15-22 Dated: 09/07/2015

Vent Pipe Clogged

Following a FO transfer, the sounding plug for FO Tank #1 was opened in order to take a completion sounding. During this operation, a strong incoming air flow was observed from the sounding pipe. This indicated that the

Number: 15-08 Dated: 05/02/2015

Vessels Positioning

A helicopter aborted an approach to a fixed installation because a Supply vessel was positioned inside the ‘go-around’ and take-off flight path.

Number: 04-02 Dated: 04/02/2004

MSF Meetings

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