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Safety Alerts

Control of Work Activities

Number: 15-04 Dated: 05/02/2015

Safety barriers and guards

During a recent client visit on one our vessels, their representative was about to leave the vessel by the gangway, when he noticed that the vessels upper gangway point had been left with the guard rail open. (The

Number: 15-03 Dated: 13/01/2015

MoB during crew transfer between two ERRVs

One afternoon in November at approximately 14:00hrs a crew transfer was taking place between two company vessels. It was decided between the vessel Masters that the transfer would take place using the Daughter craft from one vessel, transferring

Number: 04-10 Dated: 10/06/2004

Venting Bulk Tanks

Number: 04-04 Dated: 18/02/2004

Tank Cleaning PTW & Management of Change

Number: 03-03 Dated: 09/05/2003

Hazardous Operations Inside Installation Safety Zones

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