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Safety Alerts

Fire and Explosion

Number: 23-03 Dated: 20/02/2023

Disposable Vape Self-Ignition

Lessons learned from an incident related to a disposable Vape

Number: 21-19 Dated: 23/11/2021

Crankcase Failure

Crankcase failure leads to two small fires but good practice in place prevented any secondary damage.  

Number: 21-11 Dated: 21/06/2021

Fatality Caused by Explosion of Corroded Fire Extinguisher

Fatality caused by the explosion of a corroded fire extinguisher

Number: 21-02 Dated: 05/02/2021

Exposed Electrical Cable

Sharing of lessons learned in relation to exposed electrical cables.

Number: 21-01 Dated: 19/01/2021

Air Cylinder Failure in Lifeboat

Personnel injured as a result of failure of a compressed air cylinder in a Lifeboat.

Number: 17-04 Dated: 11/05/2017

Battery Fire

In the early hours of the morning during a period of adverse weather the fire alarm in the vessel battery locker was activated. The crew mustered and fire team assembled, upon investigation it was discovered that there was

Number: 16-26 Dated: 31/10/2016

Fire in Engine Room

Whilst returning to port from offshore one of our member’s vessels suffered a fire in her engine room. The crew were alerted when 3 sensors on the fire detection system activated setting off the fire alarm and the

Number: 16-09 Dated: 07/03/2016

Cabin Fire

It has been reported by one of our members that they had been subject to a small fire in a crew member’s cabin. The crew member who was not in his cabin at the time had left a

Number: 16-06 Dated: 23/02/2016

Microwave Incident

Recently an MSF member had an incident involving a microwave on one of their vessels that had the potential to be a lot more severe than it actually was.

Number: 15-15 Dated: 04/05/2015

Failure of Floodlight Capacitor

A vessel recently suffered a failure of a deck floodlight capacitor when an electrical ballast unit caught fire resulting in the triggering of the Fire Detection System. The ships fire party mustered, the cause of the activation was

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